A Boy Named Peter, directed by Paolo Santiago, Johan Dano, RGV Short Film, 16 minutes, World Premiere. After the traumatic events of a party gone violent, Filipino-American teen, Peter, asks guidance from his older brother, Kuya Marcel.  Tragedy looms heavy in this unique ghost story, soaked in the melodrama of an LGBTQ+ romance and embraced in bittersweet familial love. 

A Demonic Tale, written by Jaclynn Moreno, Texas Young Filmmaker Pitch

Across, directed by Carlos Evaristo Flores, Nicolas J. Lewis, Documentary Short Film, 18 minutes. The film Across deals with the nostalgic view of border residents in Laredo, Texas going across the Rio Grande River to party in Nuevo Laredo's nightclubs. The film also deals with the war on drugs in Mexico, and how that has impacted the Laredo community.

Alone, directed by Quenne Eric Nonde, Music Video, 5 minutes. Alone is the latest music video by award-winning director Quenne Eric Nonde, featuring the music of melodic techno power duo Roberto Montoya x RHYS. Shot by two distinct cinematographers, each with their unique sensibilities, the visuals highlight the ambience and dynamics of the soundtrack. Zoe Jimenez brings her gritty, lo-fi lens to contrast with Quenne Eric Nonde's dramatic and emotional style.

Amor de Papel, directed by Cesar Omar Cesar Gomez, Music Video, 3 minutes, Festival Premiere. In the music video "Amor de Papel," Cesar Ache Yuma portrays unrequited love as he sings about a woman seeking wealth and status. Despite lacking material riches, he offers genuine love, torn between his feelings and her desires.

Ancient Landscapes of South Texas: Hiding in Plain Sight, directed by Bull Sanchez, Documentary Feature Film, 43 minutes. This film explores the 50-million-years geologic history of the Rio Grande Valley, featuring ancient beaches, salt lakes, a cataclysmic volcanic eruption, Pleistocene megafauna, and the impacts of a large river. It also examines how prehistoric people benefited from these resources, and how it is being reshaped by its human occupants.

At The Flash Show Deck, written by Sean William Chandler, David William Leeper, The Pitch

Baggage, directed by Ana Kiri, U.S. Short Film, 9 minutes, USA Premiere. Everyone has “baggage” that we carry around with us in our lives. But it’s not a negative thing, rather something that makes us who we are. People connect when finding similar things in each other's "baggage.” When you wake up in the morning, for a few minutes you are still clean and baggage-free. As you go along with your day, certain things bring up memories in you and your baggage appears. 

Behind Our Walls, directed by Nate Roels, Documentary Feature Film, 46 minutes, Texas Premiere. Behind Our Walls tells the story of a group of inmates in Michigan, as they seek a college education behind bars through the Calvin Prison Initiative. This feature-length documentary demonstrates the resilience and determination of men behind bars, many of whom have been incarcerated for decades and many of whom have life sentences. Behind Our Walls shows that all people are deserving of a second chance, no matter what they’ve done.

Births in a Nation, written by David Carment, Texas Young Filmmaker Pitch

Brahmakanya (The colour of hope), directed by Dhiraj Kashyap, International Feature Film, 1 hour 16 minutes

BROKEN, directed by Alberto Ornelas, Texas Short Film, 9 minutes. In "Broken," Joey, played by Alberto Ornelas, confronts his mental health struggles through a self-tapped diary. This poignant short film by Ornelas highlights the complexities of mental health, aiming to raise awareness and spark crucial conversations. 

Carnage Radio, directed by James Fite, U.S. Feature Film, 1 hour 49 minutes

Collector's Edition, written by Allen Garza, Giovanni Salazar, Texas Young Filmmaker Pitch

Copilot, directed by Darcy Doyle, U.S. Short Film, 12 minutes, RGV Premiere. Gene Davitt and her aviator father, Jim, frequently visit her ailing grandfather.  Throughout stories of free-flight, dinner preparations, housekeeping, and unspoken tensions, young Gene finds both what is expected of her, and who she aspires to become.

Curry Scent, directed by Christa Boarini, U.S. Feature Film, 1hour 45 minutes, RGV Premiere. Curry Scent is a refreshing tale about an Indian immigrant family desperately grasping for the American Dream by trying to find their daughter, Geetha, a wealthy match before their visas run out. Geetha's story is told with uplifting humor and various funny situations, from their cramped living quarters to her various dates on which the entire family seems to participate. Curry Scent is a true feel-good film that will resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds.   

Dad Died Crying, directed by Joseph Balderas, RGV Short Film, 13 minutes

Darlins, directed by Zach Uthman, Texas Short Film, 9 minutes, Texas Premiere. When a writer cuts a creepy creature from her novel and turns down a would-be suitor, she finds her editing choices have dire consequences. 

Deadline, directed by Idan Gilboa, International Short Film, 13 minutes, RGV Premiere. A couple of irrelevant old ladies meet on a routine day while waiting in line at the health clinic and make a life-changing discovery. By tampering with the pre-ordained death queue determined up above, they can delay their own doom. Instantaneously they form a murderous pact and set out to not only ensure their own survival, but also to settle some old accounts with those that have overlooked or mistreated them.

Determined, directed by Jose Sanchez, Documentary Short Film, 6 minutes, RGV Premiere. Deep in the South Texas Borderlands, one high school football player's battle through adversity inspires his teammates, school, and community.

Devourer, directed by Isaiah Iran Navarro, Texas Short Film, 28 minutes, World Premiere. Two females chased by bounty hunters must overcome their dark past to avoid being sacrificed in an unholy ritual. 

Don't Mess with Texas: An Abortion Story, directed by Ellison Leticia Martin, Qiu Li Tovo-Hurt, Roswell Goransson, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 6 minutes

Don’t Move, directed by Elisa Cavazos, Madilyn Zamorano, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 3 minutes, World Premiere. A warning is given to the national public about unknown attacks occurring. Olivia finds her night getting more peculiar as it goes on. Soon facing attacks head on she realizes the one responsible is a doppelgänger of herself. Olivia meets her demise at the end as her doppelgänger takes over.

Dreamless, written by Caleb Cruz, Texas Young Filmmaker Pitch

ECHOES OF THE VOID, written by Leonard Padron, Andres Eloy Garcia, The Pitch

El Tesoro, directed by David Rodríguez Estrada, International Short Film, 21 minutes, Texas Premiere. Taking on an unexpected mission, Clemencia poses as a clairvoyant, helping a stranger uncover a buried treasure.

Estela, Is It You?, directed by Fabian Martin, Victor Martin, U.S. Short Film, 22 minutes, RGV Premiere, A grieving woman communicates with her dead husband through her car radio.

Finding Light, directed by Shelby Quezada, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 10 minutes

FLOODPLAIN, directed by Samuel Diaz Fernandez, Documentary Short Film, 17 minutes, RGV Premiere. Austin residents relive their memories of a 2013 catastrophic flood in Onion Creek, which was a once-thriving community, but now scarred by disaster. Ten years later, they are determined to prevent history from repeating itself.

For You, directed by Tristan Cole, Music Video, 3 minutes

Go To The People, directed by Jeff Sewald, Documentary Feature Film, 1 hour, World Premiere. Inspired by his father, a physician who made house calls, Dr. Jim Withers began providing medical care to the homeless in 1992. Initially dressing as a homeless person, Jim made street rounds in alleys and under bridges. Soon, Operation Safety Net was born and sparked a movement that spread worldwide.

Grow a Better Dallas, directed by Cullen Blanchfield, Documentary Short Film, 27 minutes. Restorative Farms is a non-profit offering restorative justice and urban agriculture solutions to the "food desert" problem in South Dallas. Restorative Farms offers rehabilitation and therapeutic solutions to individuals with criminal backgrounds. Restorative Farms was co-founded by Tyrone Day, who was falsely incarcerated for over 25 years.

Guayabera, directed by Emmanuel Anacleto Pena, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 7 minutes. Guayabera is a story about a boy, grappling with the loss of his father. Unable to move on, the boy is trapped in a cycle of various vivid dreams, where he may get to find closure.

How To Catch a Dream, written by Enrique Quintanilla, The Pitch

Hurdles, directed by Pamela Oliver Munoz, RGV Short Film, 3 minutes, RGV Premiere. When an un-athletic dreamer's hopes of being on the track team are dashed, her negative thoughts about herself weigh her down until she is submerged in the waters of her subconscious where she can let go of them, and be her best self. A story with heart about being human.

Juliet?, directed by Shelby Quezada, Ana Lucia Garza, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 5 minutes

Kingman Stables, directed by JC Tovar, JR Molina, RGV Short Film, 9 minutes, RGV Premiere. The Tovar brothers dream of refurbishing their family's horse stables into a premier place to house a horse. They hire struggling filmmaker Victor De La Cruz to produce a high quality commercial sure to bring in new clients, but the brother's antics push De La Cruz to almost quit the project. 

Lava Platos, directed by Albion Sabani, Texas Short Film, 13 minutes

Loteria, directed by Ali Atshani, International Feature Film, 1 hour 25 minutes. In the harsh reality of the Middle East, a group of young individuals harboring dreams of reaching America and fulfilling their aspirations embark on a perilous journey. Driven by the desire for a better life, they turn to smuggling, led by traffickers and human smugglers, to cross the border. However, this path is fraught with danger, leading to the loss of many lives - men, women, girls, and boys alike. As they navigate the treacherous terrain and face the grim realities of their circumstances, each character is forced to confront their own mortality and the sacrifices they are willing to make for a chance at a brighter future.

Mabel (Mictlan), written by Irlanda Martinez, The Pitch.

Made Out Of Babies - Stranger, directed by Valeria Gonzalez-Gracia, Music Video, 5 minutes, RGV Premiere. Lost and alone in the depths of her local downtown, this stranger navigates her fate through her impulses and inexplicable attitude. Her encounters remain messy due to her unrequitable kindness, and 'Made Out Of Babies' encaptures her journey throughout Stranger's bleak night with a song full of rage.

Morals, directed by Hugo Alberto Rodriguez, RGV Short Film, 33 minutes. RGV Premiere. Year 2045 crime is at an all time low due to the initiative John Mitchell has initiated, where a police task force executes "low income class" individuals with the help of a chip implanted in them to cut off their "morality". Peter Morales fights with what is right and what he was programed to do.

Moving Forward, directed by Roy Vela, Texas Short Film, 15 minutes, RGV Premiere. Following the funeral of her husband, Liz tries to push through the grief by filling her time with work. As Liz sits across from her therapist, a simple question brings about a realization of the situation that led to this point.

Mujer Mexicana, directed by Baldemar Garcia, Music Video, 5 minutes

November, Timothy David Orme, Music Video, 3 minutes, Texas Premiere. Official music video for "November," from Lyndsay Stone's album A Couple Seeds!

One Wrong Choice, directed by Shelby Quezada, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 11 minutes

paranoia, directed by Devin Navarro, Jason Tovar, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 3 minutes

Pierre West, directed by Jakob Arevärn, Henrik Larsson, International Short Film, 30 minutes

Pipi, directed by Ines Wallisch, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 7 minutes

Polite Desertion, written by Nikole Salinas, The Pitch

PopularLon3r - Broken Hearted, directed by Baldemar Garcia, Music Video, 3 minutes

prObed, directed by Umar Shiraz Jafri, Texas Short Film, 6 minutes, RGV Premiere. A first date goes horribly awry with the arrival of some uninvited out of this world guests. 

Scent of Ivory, directed by Jared Palomares, RGV Short Film, 24 minutes, RGV Premiere, Siblings Kaity and Jaime live on after the death of their hardworking mother. Past-due bills and disconnection notices have driven Kaity to be the best role model for the past five years. As she struggles with the weight of responsibilities and crippling anxiety, she begins to see flashes of time. Now, she must support her brother when his identity and future come into question before their relationship is severed.

Search & Destroy, directed by Alexander Rosales, Texas Short Film, 15 minutes

Serial Killers Anonymous (the repentant), directed by Judas Tanguma, RGV Short Film, 18 minutes. A fallen angel sent by god to harvest the souls of the repentant before they can sin again has found a group of individuals she can relate with while sharing stories, drinking coffee, and eating donuts.  

Simon, written by Cristo Petrides, Texas Young Filmmaker Pitch

Sleeping Project 78 (Feature film) — Horror, written by ALIZZAYA GUEL, Texas Young Filmmaker Pitch

Surcos, directed by Julio C Gonzalez, RGV Short Film, 23 minutes, RGV Premiere. This documentary follows the journey of a woman and her struggles as she emigrated to the United States from Mexico to work in the fields. While battling with the decision of leaving behind her mother and children in search of a better life. Este documental sigue la trayectoria de una mujer y sus lucha mientras emigró a los Estados Unidos desde México para trabajar en el campo. Mientras lucha con la decisión de dejar atrás a su madre y a sus hijos en busca de una vida mejor.

The Activated Man, directed by Nicholas Gyeney, U.S. Feature Film, 1 hour 55 minutes. After Ors Gabriel loses his beloved dog to cancer, the shock from the trauma produces strange vision projections that force Ors to wrestle with two possibilities: That his mind has fractured, or that it's actually real.

The Border Crossed Us, directed by Loretta van der Horst, Documentary Feature Film, 1 hour 12 minutes

The Calling, written by Lourdes Andrea Elizondo, Texas Young Filmmaker Pitch

The Crow Woman, directed by Brooklyn Rice, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 4 minutes, Texas Premiere. The story of a seemingly eccentric 16-year-old girl and her search for meaning.

The Hedgehog's Dilemma, written by Nina Chávez Góngora, The Pitch

The Nightwatcher, directed by Xavier Diaz, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 9 minutes. Using comic books for inspiration, highschooler Kenny Kilmister decides to train himself to be a real-life superhero, despite having no real super powers.

The Red Bike, directed by Torben Bech, International Short Film, 15 minutes, Texas Premiere. When Jack receives a red bike as a birthday present, no one could have predicted what it would lead to.

The Route To Emancipation, directed by Talib Abdullahi, Riley Engemoen, Documentary Short Film, 18 minutes

The Struggle, written by Mathieu Shane Caviness, Texas Young Filmmaker Pitch

The Venusian Chronicles, written by Lynn Vincentnathan, The Pitch

The Word, directed by Rob M Neilson, U.S. Short Film, 9 minutes

TOBOR: The Ultimate Battle, written by Jorge Flores, The Pitch

Transit Method - Psychometry, directed by Justin Wilson, Music Video, 4 minutes, Festival Premiere. Transit Method conjures a cosmic ritual in which the VVitch summons Green Man in a Dark Beltane ceremony. They use their earth magic to call in The Sacrifice, who lays down her soul in order to make way for a new initiate of The Family. 

True Crime PHS, directed by Ruby Trevino, Kory Bazarte, Texas Young Filmmaker Short Film, 5 minutes

ULTIMATE CITIZENS (short film), directed by Francine Strickwerda, Documentary Short Film, 39 minutes. Jamshid, an Iranian American public school counselor,helpsthe children of immigrants and refugees in Seattle find belongingon their way to compete in the world’s largest Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. With a Frisbee in hand,Jamshid shows that love wins–one kid, chicken, ultra-endurance race, and friend at a time.

Vance and the Afterlife, directed by Sam Kimbrell, U.S. Short Film, 10 minutes, Texas Premiere. Vance and the Afterlife is a film about a corporate stiff named Vance who dies and ends up in his own imagination… or lack thereof. Through an appeal process administered by his afterlife guide Sarah, Vance is given a second chance at life that’s focused less on superficial career goals and more on creative expression and appreciation for the world around him…

Vemana, directed by Michael Joseph, U.S. Short Film, 15 minutes

Volveras (You will come back), directed by Luis Antonio Rodriguez, Music Video, 4 minutes, World Premiere. You Will Come Back" portrays a woman in old Mexico, condemned as a witch for loving. Society blames her for embracing love. In a twist, her lover is the condemning priest, revealing hypocrisy. It delves into themes of love, persecution, and societal norms' clash with personal desires.

What Washes Ashore, directed by Harold Nieves Fisch, U.S. Short Film, 13 minutes, RGV Premiere. When a lonely young immigrant discovers a dead body on the shores of her employer’s vacation home, she calls on unexpected friends and untapped bravery to face her deepest fear.

Who Speaks for Charlie?, directed by Matthew Corolis, Documentary Short Film, 16 minutes, RGV Premiere. After receiving death threats from members of the autistic community, Eileen Lamb reflects on her own autism diagnosis, and doubles down on her commitment to fight for greater services for Charlie, her non-verbal autistic son.