What Washes Ashore

U.S. Short Film, 13 minutes, RGV Premiere

Synopsis: When a lonely young immigrant discovers a dead body on the shores of her employer’s vacation home, she calls on unexpected friends and untapped bravery to face her deepest fear.

Cuando una joven inmigrante solitaria descubre un cadáver cerca de la costa de la casa de vacaciones de su empleador, recurre a amigos inesperados y al coraje sin explotar para enfrentar su miedo más profundo.

What Washes Ashore is a dramatic story powerfully and artistically representing the struggles of hidden immigrants in the United States. This film is a celebration of Texas talent and represents the artistic collaboration of Texas and New Mexico-based playwright Raul Garza, known for Sinners in the Garden and , and LA-based actor and director Harold Nieves Fisch, known for his work in The Cleaning Lady, Snowfall, and The Leftovers. The film was shot throughout 2022 in Austin, Tx. and in the landscapes of the Rio Grande Valley. What Washes Ashore was completed in June 2023.

Harold Nieves Fisch


Harold Abraham Nieves Fisch is an actor, writer, director, and photographer. He is recognized for his performances in notable works like 'The Cleaning Lady (FOX),' 'Snowfall (FX),' and 'The Leftovers(HBO), and the celebrated short film 'Tejano Night.’ In 2019, he made his directorial debut with 'Muerte,' premiering at the Austin Film Festival.

Born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, just ten miles from the Mexican border. The son of a nurse mid-wife and pediatrician, Harold earned his degree in writing from The University of Texas at Austin. Harold began his professional acting career in the Austin theater scene. He starred in plays like 'The Pillow Man' with the University Theater Guild and delivered powerful performances at The Austin Playhouse. In 2019 Harold starred in the original production of Will Arbery’s ‘Plano’ with the Paper Chairs Theater Company. Currently based in Los Angeles, Harold continues to contribute as an actor and filmmaker in Texas and New Mexico.