Pierre West
International Short Film, 30 minutes, World Premiere
Synopsis: One mans shot at leaving loneliness begins with his TV breaking down. Is the road to hapiness too long? — Or was this dish worth waiting for?
Jakob Arevärn
Henrik Larsson
Jakob Arevärn,
Henrik Larsson
Jakob Arevärn
The Proletarian - Short - 2018
EPA - Documentary - 2020
Moments - Short - 2023
Henrik Larsson
All in - Documentary - 2019
Director Statement
Pierre West - A swedish Boyhood!
On the 7th of February 2007, we filmed the first scenes. The material from 07 was left in a box and fell into oblivion. The hard drive was found 3 years ago when Henrik moved to a new house in Älvsjö. A editingprocess started. It felt promising. A new part of the film was written and produced. Today — more than 17 years later — the film is finally finished!