
RGV Short Film, 23 minutes, RGV Premiere

Synopsis: This documentary follows the journey of a woman and her struggles as she emigrated to the United States from Mexico to work in the fields. While battling with the decision of leaving behind her mother and children in search of a better life.

Este documental sigue la trayectoria de una mujer y sus lucha mientras emigró a los Estados Unidos desde México para trabajar en el campo. Mientras lucha con la decisión de dejar atrás a su madre y a sus hijos en busca de una vida mejor.

Julio C Gonzalez


My name is Julio Cesar Gonzalez; I was born in Matamoros, Tamaulipas Mexico and raised in Reynosa, Tamaulipas. I have always loved cameras and the art of film making, this is why I decided to create my own small film company “JC Films” and share my ideas through motion pictures. I consider myself a novice film maker and I like to learn through experiences. I enjoy working with other people, as they help inspire new ideas and techniques.